I guess the cooler weather is one thing I love about autumn. I just adore being able to get out my sweaters and long sleeves. I love fall festivals and sitting around the bonfire with family and friends. What is my favorite thing about fall? I love the colors of the leaves. I often walk out unto my back porch and just look at the beautiful colors. It is almost as if God has taken a giant paintbrush and went around and painted all the trees. Of course I know fall can't last forever, there has to come a winter and that I am not crazy about. I mean I like to see if snow, but I also love to see it leave. I can't imagine living anywhere that the snow lays around for days, weeks or months. I would be a lot crazier than I am now if I had to live like that. At least after the winter comes the spring and life starts all over again, but I am partial to the fall, it is my favorite.
"That's my 'two-cents worth', what's yours?"