I am sitting here on this rainy, cold Saturday morning trying to decide what topic to blog about. As I watch my youngest coloring I am reminded of my childhood and all those Saturday morning cartoons. I was always the first one up. I wanted to beat my brothers to the TV so I could pick what we would watch. I think back to those childhood days when the most difficult decisions I had to make where what cereal to eat and what clothes to wear.
As an adult we all have big decisions to make some are easy and some are really tough. My husband and I had to make a very difficult decision a few weeks ago. I admit it was the hardest choice I have ever had to make. The decision brought up so many issues and heartbreaks. I wish we were not facing this situation, but the truth is we are. It is not something we can just sit back and hope will fix itself, because it will not. This was something that could not be swept away or ignored.
Will our choice change our lives? Of course it will. Will we have days of wondering if we did the right thing? Most definitely! Will I have days of doubt and want to take it back? I'm sure I will. Will I regret my choice? I am sure there will be days that the thought will cross my mind. Was it the right thing to do? We believe it is, but only time will tell for sure. Is it best for us and our family? Who knows, we believe so, but again only time will tell.
I know that as difficult as this choice has been for us, others have made even more difficult decisions in the past. Our decision was made after serious conversation with one another and after much prayer to God. We wanted to make sure what we choose lined up with his word and would be what was right to do. We wanted to make sure that what we did was God's will for our life and that we were not making a mistake.
I am sure that we are going the right way. The decisions that are the most difficult deserve more thought and prayer. God wants only what is best for all of us. Sometimes his will does not mirror the life or plans that we have in mind. I know that God loves each of us and anything he does or allows to happen in our lives is in our best interest, even when it hurts and we don't understand.
"That's my 'two-cents worth', what's yours?"