Memories are an amazing things. They can bring about laughter, joy, and happiness. They can also bring about feelings of sadness, hurt and longing. Our memories often effect our days. I have to say that my good memories far outweigh the bad. September 17th was the fifth anniversary of my grandfather's passing. There is not a day that goes by still that I don't think of him. Most of those times I smile, but sometimes I cry. I miss him so much. I decided to write this post just to share with you a few memories of my loved ones that I have. I cling to these good memories because they remind me how important being with family really is.
I can remember sitting on the porch with my Granny Sadie snapping beans and shucking corn. I think I was maybe 6 or 7 years old. I can still see it in my mind. We would just work the day away while all her cats, she had about 5 or 6, would rub around your feet wanting to be petted. I remember going to see her everyday after school when she was sick and making sure she had taking her medicine. She passed away when I was 12 and I wished we could have had more time together.
My Pa Woody and Granny Sadie |
Thinking about Granny makes me look back and think about my Pa Woody. He would sit on the porch while we worked the day away. He would play his banjo or tell tall tales to us kids. I remember the year we got him his own liars license at the beach. He thought that was the best thing ever. He even framed it and hung it up on his bedroom wall. He was such a cracker jack.
I remember going to my Grandma Eva's everyday after school with my cousin Shane. Both of our moms worked and she would babysit us every afternoon. She always fixed us fried bologna and cheese sandwiches and let us watch Inspector Gadget. Whenever we had a stuffy nose or cough her go to cure was to rub Vick's Vapo Rub on our chest and under our noses. At first we fought it,but we soon learned Grandma was going to have her way. I remember that at night she would use Oil of Olay on her face and that I would sneak and put some on my face when she wasn't looking.
My Grandma Eva |
I think of my Aunt's Shirley and Gertie. They were always willing to help when we needed something and our family gatherings where so much fun with them around. One time a bird got in my grandmas house and was flying all around my Aunt Shirley and she just fell in the floor to get away from it. I remember my Aunt Gertie once singing Here comes Peter Cottontail, and the whole time she was hopping along. I got her on video doing that, it is hilarious to watch. I really wish I had the video on my computer to share with y'all, but it is on one of those old fashioned tapes.
My Aunt Shirley and my oldest Grace when they were both battling cancer. |
I remember my Uncle Lee playing his guitar and singing at our Christmas gatherings. He was so talented and had a true love for the Lord. Unfortunately I was unable to locate my pictures of Uncle Lee. I put them away for safe keeping and now I can't find them.
My Uncle Harvey had this laugh that you could pick out of a crowd and no matter how old I was he still had trouble pronouncing my name. It was an inside joke for us.
My Uncle Harvey and me when I was about 5 |
My Uncles Wayne and Billy were twins and both loved coffee. My Mama says that is where I get my coffee addiction gene from. Uncle Wayne used to send me to the store when I was a little bitty girl to buy his Lucky Strike cigarettes. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
My Uncle Wayne is in the back with the blue shirt and Uncle Billy is beside him.
The next row is my Granny Sadie, Aunt Vera, Uncle Junior, and Aunt Mary.
My Daddy and Aunt Carolyn are in front.
(My Uncle Lee is not pictured) |
I am so glad and thankful for all the memories I have of loved ones that have gone on. That I can look back at my life with them and find something to laugh and be happy about. Loving and knowing someone gives you all those memories and times to look back on. It is the ones that you never got to know and love, the ones you have no memories or only sad memories to look on that really hurt (I am thinking of my babies with this). When I am feeling down or just have a lot on my mind I often think about my childhood and all the happy times we had and in an instant I am feeling better. I am basking in the love that was shown toward me and all the good times we had.
People often comment on the vacations we take and how much they must cost us. Yes, they do cost quite a bit, but we save each year to pay for them and I don't regret a single one. As a matter of fact our oldest just informed us that she wants a trip to Scotland for graduation and I am doing all I can to make that happen. (Thankfully she is willing to take a Disney Cruise as a backup trip and I am perfectly ok with that too.) We have made so many wonderful memories with our children. That is why I vacation, It is to spend time with them and make as many memories as possible. Our oldest is two years from college and I don't know how many family times we have left together, so I am making the most of the time we do have, creating precious memories for them to look back on and cherish for the rest of their lives.
"That's my 'two-cents worth', what's yours?"