Sunday, January 26, 2014

Crock Pot French Toast: Our Christmas morning breakfast


The last three blogs that I have written have been very difficult and emotionally draining, so I decided to take a break and do something a little less emotional.  I wanted to take a few minutes to share with y'all our Christmas morning breakfast.   It has become a tradition in our house for my daddy to stop by on Christmas morning to see all that the girls opened and to have breakfast with us. Last year I decided to make crock pot French toast (of course my husband had to cook eggs and bacon to go with it).  
I did not come up with this idea all of my own, I discovered it on Pinterest, the pin sent me to the following blog,
I did change up a few things ingredient wise
--1 whole loaf of bread (I used Natures Own Pumpkin spice)
-- 6 eggs (I only made a 4 qt. size crock). 
--2 t vanilla
--4 cups of milk (I used 3 cups)
--2 t cinnamon
--1/4 cup brown sugar
--1/4 cup walnuts, or other desired nuts (optional. I did not use nuts this time.)

I recommend using enough bread to come just below the top of the bowl. The bread will expand. 
Grease the inside of your crockpot very well with butter, shortening, or cooking spray. I then tore the bread slices in half so they would fit well into the crock pot. Mix all ingredients together and pour over bread into crock pot.  I let it cook all night and then after all the gifts were opened I finished up with the eggs and bacon and we all sat down for our breakfast. To be honest with you it did not go over the best with the kids, but I thought it was very good. I was almost more like bread pudding than French toast, but it was really good with syrup over it.


Of course in all the chaos of Christmas morning I forgot to take a picture of the finished product. It is definitely something I would do again,  but next time I think I will use more milk and perhaps raisin bread instead.
If you decide to give it a try let me know how it goes and what you thought of it.
"That's my 'two-cents worth', what's yours?"

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