Thursday, March 6, 2014

Waiting on Spring

Since it seems to be taking spring so long to get to our neck of the woods, we thought we would do a little project to try to encourage winter to get out of here and let spring roll in. My youngest daughter loves sitting by the front door and watching all the birds in the yard, so we decided that our first spring project would be to make a nesting bag for the birds.  It was very simple and easy. Maybe you would like to try it out for yourself or with your kids. 

Materials needed: 
Empty mesh onion bag
leaves, grass, twigs (anything in nature that the birds can use)
Easter basket grass, shredded paper, yarn (man made things) 

*You could try making two bags, one with natural materials and one with man made materials. It would be interesting to see what the birds like best. 

All we did was add the materials to the bag, tie it shut with some yarn and then found a good central place to hang it. We wanted to put it in a place that was easily accessible for the birds and one that my daughter could easily see. We decided to hang it up in our trellis in the front yard. 

Hopefully this will encourage the birds to start nesting and bring spring on to us. ( side note: they are calling for us to get more winter weather tonight.)  

Spring, please come quickly. 

"That's my 'two-cents worth', what's yours?"

(Our onion bag and yarn)

(Easter grass)

(Broom grass) 


(Shredded paper)

(sticks and twigs)

(Our finished project)

(Perfect place for hanging)

(Ready for the birds!) 

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