Friday, December 11, 2015

I'll be home for Christmas

I absolutely love Christmas songs! I love listening to them as I decorate and wrap presents.  Having those songs playing in the background as I go about my Christmas errands makes the season brighter. As I was driving my oldest daughter to school yesterday we were listening to a Christmas cd and heard the song, "I'll be Home for Christmas". It was a quiet morning ride and I really had the chance to listen to the words of that song. 

    I'll Be Home for Christmas
    I'll be home for Christmas
    You can plan on me
    Please have snow and mistletoe
    And presents on the tree
    Christmas Eve will find me
    Where the love light gleams
    I'll be home for Christmas
    If only in my dreams
    I'll be home for Christmas
    You can plan on me
    Please have snow and mistletoe
    And presents on the tree
    Christmas Eve'll find me
    Where the love light gleams
    I'll be home for Christmas
    If only in my dreams
    As you can see this song is about someone who is away from their family at Christmas time. They long to be with their family and all the others things they are missing.  It is about someone who may not get to be home physically, but will be with their family in their dreams
    Can I just say that I am really feeling this song. I am not saying that I won't see my family this year, exactly the opposite. I live within a 15 mile radius of all my family,except one sister-in-law that is 10 hours away. What I mean is that I am dreaming of being home and by home I mean Heaven.  When I heard this song I automatically begin to think about Heaven being my eternal home. I thought about how someday we will be there. I think of how it is a place where our loved ones live. That the love light always gleams there, Jesus is that light.  I think about how it might just be snow there for the people who really like that type of weather.( Personally I hope it feels about 72 degrees all the time). I don't know if there will be mistletoe there, but I do know that flowers will grow there never to fade or die.  I know that the greatest present ever giving, Jesus Christ,will be there. I miss my family that have gone on so much and I wish we could have spent another Christmas together. As I stand here and look up at the sky, I know that my home is just beyond those stars. I also know that "I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams."
    "That's 'my two-cents worth' what's yours?" 

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