Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bucket List

This year is a pretty big birthday year for me. I won't write the exact number but lets just say I am celebrating the 11 anniversary of my 29th birthday. Now you see why I don't want to say it aloud.
I know its not all that bad, at least that is what people are telling me, but it is just the idea of it that hurts and bothers.  I am praying for the Lord to give me the strength and courage to deal with it.

Any how, I decided that since this year is such a big year I want to live it up! Do some things I have always wanted to do! Really make this year one for the books! Check some of those items off my bucket list!

To start with, my bucket list wasn't all that long, but it has grown over the last few months. Some things are the big, major wants and some things are so small that they only matter to me. Before this year started some things had already been checked off, while others waited patiently.  I know all of the things on my list won't be checked off this year, but I plan (and hope) to check off one a month for all of 2016.

So far the year is looking and going great! It is the end of February and I have checked three things off my list, three all major to me, but one that is only for me.

The only for me:

I love antiquing! I love going to all the little hole in the wall antique shops and looking around at all the stuff. Every time it takes me back to my childhood and all the times I spent with my grandparents. I always leave with a feeling of sadness, but also of happiness at all the memories I made with them. Just seeing all those items again remind me of days spent with them and all the fun we had. Of course some of the things they consider antiques today, make me really feel this birthday. I mean is a rotary phone from the 80's really a antique. Any way, for the last year I have been waiting for my husband to get a Saturday off (he works almost everyone the entire year) and for all other things to align so we could go antiquing together. See I told you it was important to me and no one else. We were out enjoying our day when I got a frantic call from my mother that my dog (she was dog sitting) had been attacked by her neighbors dog. Needless to say that cut our trip short and I headed home to take care of my furbaby. It took her a couple of weeks, but she is doing just fine. That will be a blog topic for later.I still count this as an item checked off my list, but  I told my husband we will be going again, when ever the stars align just right.

The Majors:

Just last month I knocked two things off my BL. I saw a Broadway show(off  Broadway) and that show just happened to be Wicked. Oh my word is all I can say!! It was my first musical of this type. I have been to the opera before, but this was completely different. It was an amazing show and an experience I will never forget. It was only made better by the fact that my daughter and I were celebrating her 16th birthday. We went with several friends and had an absolute blast.  It was by far one of the greatest experiences that I have ever had. The only thing that could top it would be seeing it on Broadway. I don't know if I will ever do that, but seeing a show on Broadway is on my BL and our daughter has asked for a trip to NYC for graduation, so who knows.

The people I know all have things they want to do in life, some are big and some are small.  Not everyone writes them down or creates a physical list, I didn't until last year. No matter if you have a written list or a mental list, I think everyone should take the time to do all those things they want to, no matter how small they seem. 

In a couple of months I hope to be able to update this topic with at least two, maybe more things checked off my list. I am determined that if the Lord supplies the way and the means I am going to live this year to the fullest and celebrate the life he has giving me. 

"That's my 'two-cents worth', what's yours?"

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