Monday, March 6, 2017

Money Saving: Crowdtap

Today I want to introduce you to another one of my money earning/saving  weapons, Crowdtap.   

Crowdtap is an online community of people who participate in sampling, reporting and reviewing of products.  All you do is join "crowds" for certain products you use and some you would like to use.  They will then offer you opportunities to earn points, which you then redeem for Amazon gift cards.  

The opportunities are called missions and they include: polls, sharing item promos on your social network sites, sharing photos based on certain missions (for example: I recently did one for Tide and all I had to do was snap a photo of my laundry before it was washed) and if you are fortunate enough, samples.  

I discovered Crowdtap back in August and decided to give it a try. Since then I have earned $90 in gift cards. For every one thousand points I earn, I get one $5 gift card, which I then add to my Amazon account.  I have gotten samples for Jif Peanut Butter, Curel hand lotion, Splenda, Listerine, etc.  I am currently in the review process for Mrs. Myers hand soap and lotion. (I will be posting on that as soon as I complete my mission.)  

I encourage all of you to look into this service.  I spend about 10 minutes a day on the site and it normally takes me anywhere from 7-10 days to earn my next gift card. Of course some days there is not much to do, but other days make up for that, you just have to stick with it.  At first you will not get many missions, but after a couple of weeks you will notice that increase and then the samples will start coming. I am currently on the list for five more samples, just waiting to see if I get the approval to try them out. I am hoping that I get all five of them, but it is unlikely that will happen. 

The only problem I have encountered is one of my emails was not delivered with my card code in it. I contacted the company and within a couple of days they emailed me my code. I am very satisfied so far and have no complaints. 

I know that lots of people would say it was a waste of time and I wasn't earning enough to make it worth my while. How is ten minutes a day, sitting at home a waste?  I always do this first thing in the morning, even before my coffee is done brewing.  I have always been one that needs a little television or computer time to really wake up and this does that for me.  It is almost the first thing I do and helps to get me "awakened" so that I can read my Bible without falling back to sleep.

I know that everyone doesn't have lots of time, but if you have just ten minutes a day you can do this and make a little extra on the side. I am planning to keep tapping and use all my funds for Christmas, but put my Christmas cash in my Disney trip account. That is what all this is about, going to Disney. 

I have included a link if you would like to check it out. I wish they had a referral section so I could get credit if you join, but unfortunately they do not. 

"That's my 'two-cents worth', what's yours?"

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